The Student Council of the American College of Sofia
What is StuCo?
The Student Council of the American College of Sofia is an organisation that is led, organised and made up of students. It is an institution that has the ability to introduce real change to the school. StuCo gives opportunities to students of all grade levels to take part in initiatives and to represent their peers. In this way they contribute to the betterment of the ACS campus and community.
Academic Life: A forum for ideas, concerns, and suggestions relating to the student body. These might include suggesting workshops in MLA citation and responsible research, improving the test calendar, bringing forward concerns about a section's workload, or setting up a protocol for registering and reserving outdoor classroom spaces.
Sports Life: Directs its energy towards supporting the sports program. This might include making sure a photographer is at every sports event, liaising with the PR department, getting people out to cheer our teams, or raising money.
Social Life: A brainstorming, organisational group, and a de-facto production company for dances, parties, and other social events and fundraisers.