The Foreign Languages Department Celebrates the European Day of Languages

with a "Tree of Wishes"

On September 26, the Foreign Languages Department at ACS celebrated the European Day of Languages with an inspiring and interactive event, creating a "Tree of Wishes". Students and staff from across the school came together to write their language-learning wishes, dreams, and hopes on colorful leaves that now adorn the walls of the Department.

The Tree of Wishes symbolizes the Department’s shared commitment to linguistic diversity and the importance of learning new languages. Each wish reflects the unique goals of our community, from mastering a new language to exploring the cultures behind them. It serves as a reminder of the power of languages in fostering understanding and building bridges between people.

We invited everyone to stop by the Foreign Languages Department and read the heartfelt wishes, adding their own if they feel inspired! 

This year’s European Day of Languages celebration was a beautiful testament to the global outlook of our school, and we look forward to continuing to nurture a love of languages and cultures in our community.

Thank you to all who participated and helped make this event a success! 

The Foreign Languages Depratment