Incredible Kick-Off of the Football Season

by Valeri Banchev, Athletics Director

In their recent scrimmage against the Anglo-American School, our boys' football team showed remarkable prowess and determination and won impressively 4:2. This victory is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and teamwork that our players have exhibited throughout their training. We couldn't be prouder of our athletes.

Heartfelt gratitude to two exceptional individuals who have played a crucial role in our team's success: our dedicated Adrian Gruev, whose guidance, expertise, and unwavering support have been instrumental in shaping our team into the formidable force that it is today and David Yordanov, a dedicated volunteer who lent his time and photography skills an captured memorable moments of this memorable game.

And we have more exhilarating football action in store for you. We invite all students, faculty, and staff to come out and support our teams in the upcoming tournament scheduled for Friday and Saturday at the National Sports Academy. Your presence and enthusiasm can make a significant difference in boosting our teams' morale and performance.

Here are the details for the tournament:

When? 06-07 October, 2023, 9 am - 4 pm

Where? National Sports Academy

Let's come together as a community to cheer on our ACS teams. Your support means the world to our athletes, and it promises to be an exciting and memorable event for everyone involved. We look forward to seeing you there, and we can't wait to celebrate our athletes together throughout this football season. Go Team ACS!

Photos: David Yordanov