Exam Preparation: 5 Tips to Help Improve Learning

In Time for First Semester Finals Week

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.", Aristotle’s words still remind us of the challenges we face when learning school subjects, languages, and skills.

But did you know there are some practices to help make learning sweet

Are you curious to find out more? Great! We have compiled five points that can facilitate exam preparation and lay the foundation for life-long learning. 

Top 5 Tips to Help Students and Teachers Improve the Learning Process

1. Plan Ahead

Sometimes we all leave things for the last minute, don’t we? From unpleasant chores to studying for an exam, procrastination or the act of delaying a task is a normal (but not 100% healthy) human trait. In fact, stats show that around 20% of adults and 50% of students procrastinate chronically. 

This can be due to a lack of motivation or interest in the subject, underdeveloped self-regulatory mechanisms and habits, or even social pressure. 

That’s why, to avoid falling behind deadlines, always plan ahead: organize your calendar, prepare for subjects in advance, and focus on gaps in knowledge you have to overcome. This way you’ll also always avoid cramming (the act of absorbing as much information as possible just to pass an exam) as a last resort.


2. Use Cognitive Techniques

After you have planned your school activities, it’s time to reflect on your learning habits, such as the best times to study, materials that help you learn, and methods to help you retain and recall information. 

For example, some learners memorize visual information more easily, so for them, videos, diagrams, and educational channels might help. Others remember best by listening, so audiobooks or podcasts can help. 

In addition, mnemonic techniques (like breaking down big chains of numeric information into smaller chunks, rhyming or using flashcards with foreign words) can help improve your memory. 

Don’t forget to take breaks as well, which will help you absorb the learned material and store it in your long-term memory.


3. Practice

Be an active learner and practice what you learn. Ask questions, create your own visualizations, summarize what you’ve learned, find extra resources, and test your own knowledge. 

This active technique will allow you to put any school material into context, which will help you understand and remember it better. 

Collaborative learning is also a wonderful way to practice, gain and transfer knowledge, and connect with your peers. In fact, this can also help you prepare for after you graduate as teamwork is essential in the workplace. 


4. Ask for Help 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. When you don’t understand something, always ask your teachers or classmates for clarification and support. 

Our ACS educators are, in fact, more than instructors: they’re mentors who can help you learn and overcome your anxiety during the examination period. 

Talking about anxiety, don’t forget you’re not alone: numerous studies reveal that the majority of students feel stressed before an exam, so be kind to yourself. A promising aspect is that today, many celebs talk openly about their anxiety attacks in different situations, such as Adele, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and David Beckham, which helps more and more young people open up and seek support. 


5. Learn the Art of Self-Care

That’s right! Be kind to yourself, use a positive inner voice, and learn to relax. Create a suitable environment to avoid distractions. 

Give yourself breaks, exercise, get enough sleep, and stay healthy. Sleep and healthy eating habits are, as a matter of fact, essential to keep you sharp and motivated. 

Did you know that, as per a Harvard publication, berries, nuts, tea, fish, and green vegetables are the main foods linked to better brain power? Such foods can also decrease cognitive decline in the long term.

Preparing for Exams at ACS: Conclusion

Exam preparation can be bitter, but as we revealed above, certain learning habits can make the process sweet… and the fruit sweeter

It’s sweet to see ACSers succeed, indeed! We at ACS are proud that our students excel at school and their national exams (Maths, Bulgarian, English) scores rank high, especially when compared to other schools across Bulgaria. 

That said, excellence is not measured only in grades but acts of kindness! 

Thus, we are extremely proud of our students on a daily basis and celebrate their talents, achievements outside the classroom, and desire to give back, which doesn’t fade away even after graduation.