ACS International Football Tournament a Success!

By Valeri Banchev, Athletics Director

Photos by David Yordanov

This past weekend's ACS International Football Tournament was a great success and showcased the talent, sportsmanship, and camaraderie within our school community. The Tournament featured four boys' teams: ACS, Walworth Barbour American International School in Israel (AIS), 35th School for Foreign Languages, and Azbuki School, as well as three girls' teams: ACS, LP Super Sport, and once again AIS. 

The ACS Boys' Team performed exceptionally well, winning all their games with impressive scores: ACS-AIS (8:0), ACS-35th (6:0), and ACS-Azbuki School (4:1). Their outstanding performance reflects the dedication and hard work they put into their training, and we couldn't be prouder.

The ACS Girls' Team finished third and demonstrated determination, team spirit, and commitment to improvement throughout the tournament.

Thank you to all ACS footballers for their sportsmanship and fair play, to all coaches for their relentless efforts in nurturing the skills and talents of our students, to our cheerleaders who brought an even more enthusiasm and energy to the tournament, and to the Dean's Office for their continuous support in coordinating this tournament and making it a resounding success.

The ACS International Football Tournament was more than just a sports event; it was a celebration of the strong friendships within our school and the establishment of new bonds with other participating schools. It exemplified the spirit of ACS and our commitment to fostering connections within our global community.