Saturday, June 8, 2024
Arts Fest is an event dedicated to showcasing the talents of our students and to celebrating the spirit of our community. Of particular popularity is a series of performances, visual art exhibitions, and family entertainment designed by tens of ACS Student Clubs.
An ACS tradition dating back to the mid-1990’s, Arts Fest is a celebration of the talents, dedication, and spirits of our students, showcasing various aspects of life beyond the classroom and at the same time raising funds for important projects like student extracurricular activities, financial aid, and campus improvements.
At Arts Fest 2023, over 70,000 leva were raised towards the renovation of the Green Field and for financial aid.
ACS students are at the center of the Festival with their stage performances and many club stalls. There are many ways community members can get involved though and make Arts Fest 2024 a success: by attending and bringing friends and family, by donating prizes for the traditional Arts Fest raffle, by finding sponsors for the event causes - financial aid and campus facilities improvement, by organizing goodies and refreshment sales at the event - to name a few.
Join us at Arts Fest 2024 on June 8!
Community Fundraising Goals: Additionally, through the unique academic and cocurricular journey ACS affords, our students come to represent the ideals and values inherent in our Mission and come to hold skills and dispositions that are of influence to the future of Bulgaria. In this spirit, we are carrying forward our commitment to our historical legacy of attracting and inviting exceptional students to attend ACS. This commitment requires a capacity to support exceptional applicants who would otherwise not be able to attend without financial assistance.
Historical Commitment of Arts Fest Proceed:
ACS Scholarship Fund
Additionally and on behalf of our students, the school is energized by the students and committed to by our community to upgrade our athletic facilities. This goal requires parent and community support. Each commitment has immediate value for our students. All funding for this project will come from non-tuition revenue sources. Our initial aspiration to support the first phase of upgrading our athletic facilities is to raise 300,000 leva. To be a part of our future, is to be a part of our present.
Commitment of Arts Fest Proceed:
Athletic Facilities Renovation
Community Sponsorship Opportunities: This success of Arts Fest requires the commitment of our community. One of the most popular fundraisers during Arts Fest is the much awaited ACS Arts Fest Raffle. Please consider supporting this important feature of Arts Fest: individually, through your place of work, or through a personal connection. The popularity and success of the Raffle is dependent on prizes donated by or through members of our parent community and has become a wonderful way to promote organizations and businesses within our broader ACS community.
Community Sponsor Opportunities:
Display Banners and Signs
Distribute Promotional Materials
Display Materials and Products
Feature Sponsor Name/Logo within 30th Anniversary Publications
If you are willing to donate a prize or have other ideas to support ACS, please contact the Advancement Office at advancement@acsbg.org and add your name to our list of sponsors.