Visit ACS
By Bus:
Get on a #76 bus, in the direction of Mladost. This bus has major stops at the National Palace of Culture (NDK), Eagle’s Bridge (Orlov Most), and Hotel Pliska. You need to get off once you have passed the HIT store on your left-hand side. This is the sixth stop after the right turn from Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd. to Alexander Malinov Blvd in Mladost. After getting off, proceed in the same direction (SSW) to the lane with trees on both sides (you will thus have the yellow business building Tilia Center on your left-hand side) until you reach a gate at the end of the street. If you have a pre-arranged meeting with someone at ACS, the guards at the gate will be informed about it and will simply direct you towards the American College after checking your ID.
Alternatively, you can reach ACS by taking bus #111 connecting Ljulin and Mladost via the ring road. If you are taking the bus direction Mladost, you need to get off two bus stops after leaving the ring road and cross to the other side of the road. If you are traveling in the direction of Ljulin, you should get off once you have passed the HIT store on your left-hand side. After getting off, proceed south-southwest to the lane with trees on both sides (you will thus have the yellow business building Tilia Center on your left hand side) until you reach a gate at the end of the street. If you have a pre-arranged meeting with someone at ACS, the guards at the gate will be informed about it and will simply direct you towards the American College after checking your ID.
By Subway and Bus:
Get on the subway traveling in the direction of Mladost. Get off at the Academic Alexander Teodorov - Balan station and take #76 and #111 buses for one stop direction Ljulin. You need to get off once you have passed the HIT store on your left-hand side. After getting off, proceed in the same direction (SSW) to the lane with trees on both sides (you will thus have the yellow business building Tilia Center on your left hand side) until you reach a gate at the end of the street. If you have a pre-arranged meeting with someone at ACS, the guards at the gate will be informed about it and will simply direct you towards the American College after checking your ID.
By Car:
Get on Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd. and drive in the direction of Mladost. Turn right when you reach the Mladost exit. Keep driving south-southwest along Alexander Malinov Blvd. until the road forks; this is shortly after you pass the HIT store on your left-hand side. Take the right lane with trees on both sides and a gate at the end (do not make a hard right). You will thus have the yellow business building Tilia Center on your left hand side. Once you reach the gate, you will have to park your car at the gate parking, and then walk to the ACS buildings, unless you have a special necessity of driving the car on campus and have pre-arranged that with someone at ACS.
By Taxi:
If you are coming here by taxi and the driver does not know where the American College is, tell him/her that it is next to the Ministry of Interior (MVR) training camp, better known as Policeiska Akademia v Simeonovo.
Map of the routes of the Mladost buses: