Weekend of Champions

ACS’s physics teams scored high marks at the National Physics Competition in Veliko Tarnovo on November 14. Then, to make the accomplishment even greater, eight students rushed back to Sofia to ace the National Mathematics Tournament on the following day.

The physics competition featured 392 participants. Each student had to solve three problems with several subdivisions each. Our teams achieved the following results:

Grade 9
Joana Nikolova - 2nd prize
Zlatomir Papazov - 2nd prize

Grade 10
Ivan Ivanov - 2nd prize
Wassil Janssen - 2nd prize

Grade 11
Hristo Papazov - Bronze medal
Ivan Ganev - 2nd prize
Nikola Nenkov - 3rd prize

Grade 12
Anthony Kirilov - Bronze medal

As a team, ACS’s 11th grade won the bronze medal.

The results were announced Saturday evening with an eye on the awards ceremony the following day. But our champs didn’t stick around for that. On Sunday, Hristo Papazov and Ivan Ganev won bronze medals at the national Mathematics Tournament, while ACS’s 11th Grade won the Silver Cup.

Congratulations to all! Keep up the excellent work and keep the wins coming!