Celia White '17 Wins De-Lux
This year's de-Lux prize winner is Celia White's visceral, scrambled, poetic Mac and Mickey III. Read it here. Now.
Celia graduated with the Class of 2017. If Susan and Gerrit White are sticking around for next year, she should too, please, and keep writing, and keep giving us her words to read.
Tim Ward, Chair of the English Language and Literature Department, gave us some background on the dawn of the competition: "A number of years ago – well before the memory of the current ELL department at ACS begins – our colleagues at the Anglo-American School initiated the Lux Prize, a creative writing prize for students at the two schools. It was judged by teachers from the American University in Bulgaria, three prizes were awarded annually and the best stories published in AAS’s in-house magazine. Time passed, people left and ACS took over the running of the prize, now rechristened the de-Lux Prize."