A Transformed Abbott Hall Welcomes Students Again
In 2019 ACS was awarded a grant from American Schools and Hospitals Abroad, a division of USAID, for the renovation of Abbott Hall. This iconic, soon century-old ACS school building, home to several academic departments and classrooms of the Liberal and Fine Arts Department, computer labs, academic offices, and sports halls, and also a favorite student location for many extracurricular activities, club meetings, and events, had not previously undergone a complete makeover. The award amounted to $721,160 and required substantial matching of funds on behalf of ACS.
We are proud to have given a new life to one of the most beautiful and inspiring school buildings on campus; all electrical, all heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and all plumbing systems, as well as all windows having been replaced. All exterior and interior walls received new lining and all classrooms — new floors and new light fixtures. Abbott Hall is now a modern, environmentally resilient building with elevator access for people with limited mobility to all floors, and state of the art safety systems. Together, USAID and ACS have made a huge investment in the improvement of the learning experience of our students and the development of ACS.
This project was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this article are the responsibility of the American College of Sofia and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.