A Senior Financial Manager Spoke to the ACS Business Club

On December 16 2019 the ACS Business Club welcomed Marcel van den Bosch, Finance Manager at Zagorka AD. The senior business leader held a lecture for the students and responded to their intellectual curiosity with invaluable advice in the areas of finance, business and leadership.

In its current form the Business Club at ACS has been existing since 2015 and has been among the most attended and popular clubs offered at the College. Its members are often students with proclivity for business, and students who intend to specialize in business, economics, finance, and to acquire management skills. During the weekly meetings the students discuss topics current affairs in world and domestic politics and economics, while taking advantage of the opportunities for networking and sharing ideas with like-minded students with similarly ambitious goals.

It is quite common for the Business Club to invite guest-lecturers and most often they are established leaders in diverse areas such as business, politics, sports and culture and they are keen on sharing valuable life and professional advice, such as the case with Mr. van den Bosch’s visit.

“We we're amazed by his presentation and students had the opportunity to ask him many questions. He kindly answered all questions with in depth answers, wisdom, and a touch of humor.” – Zhanina Zdravkova, the clubs Faculty Sponsor commented.