ACS's mission: The American College of Sofia integrates the values and best practices of American pedagogy with the rich educational traditions of Bulgaria and Europe. We seek to develop critical thinking, lifelong intellectual curiosity, leadership, and collaboration among multi-talented students of various social, cultural, economic, and geographic backgrounds.

In its 160-year history, the American College of Sofia has always benefitted from philanthropy. Student activities, innovative academic initiatives, financial aid, faculty development, community outreach, modern facilities – almost every component which makes this school the best in the country depends on the generosity of friends and organizations in the US and Bulgaria.

My name is Theodora Konetsovska and I am a member of ACS’s first post-reopening class. As one of the Class of 1997’s students from outside of Sofia, I am forever indebted to ACS’s generosity – without a full scholarship, I would not have been able to attend the school while also living far from home. The support of past donors and the vision of ACS leaders not only introduced me to a remarkable education and opened doors to incredible opportunities in life. It also instilled in me unwavering commitment to community support.

I am proud and humbled to serve as Chair of the exceptional Board of Trustees of the American College of Sofia. We have set ambitious goals for ourselves over the next few years, and are excited to support ACS’s continued success. In addition, in the spirit of giving back I am committed to helping young women from outside of Sofia receive from the College the same transformational experience I had. Moving to a new town, even at this age or especially at this age, is costly and complicated, and we must not let those challenges dissuade bright young girls from pursuing the best education.

If you would like to support me, please contribute to the ACS Fund for Out-of-Town Girls. Thank you!

When using the PayPal option you donate to the bank account of Sofia American Schools, Inc. in the United States.

The bank account of Sofia American Schools, Inc. is the following:

Chase Manhattan Bank

2 Chase Manhattan Plaza - 3rd Floor

New York, New York 10081

For the Account of Sofia American Schools, Inc.

ABA #: 021000021

Account #: 761364363

Swift Code: CHASUS33 

*In order to allocate your gift to the ACS Fund for Out-of-Town Girls, you are encouraged to specify so as a reference text

Checks should be issued in the benefit of Sofia American Schools, Inc. and should be sent to the following address:

Sofia American Schools

i/c/o Eisikovic & Kane, LLP
1430 Broadway, Suite 1105
New York, NY 10018
Telephone: (212) 944-7733
Fax : (212) 944-1041

 *In order to allocate your gift to the ACS Fund for Out-of-Town Girls, you are encouraged to specify so on the Memo line.