ACS Seniors Ace the Bulgarian Matura Exam

Average Score Is 5.55!

Let us tell you about our most recent graduates! At the Bulgarian language and literature matriculation exam, they achieved an impressive average score of Excellent 5.55. There were 23 students with the perfect result and 113 got a score above 5.50. Amazing!

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 and endless gratitude to the teachers of the Bulgarian Language and Literature Department at the College for their dedicated work with all grade levels! In the words of the head of the department, Teodora Todorova, "behind the success of our students are the efforts, sleepless nights, difficult conversations, but also faith that this is something meaningful. And, of course, a lot of teamwork, which is usually not easy, but is the only way to achieve something."

To our knowledge, the average result for the whole country is 4.32 and for Sofia – 4.70.

In addition, the Class of 2024 did wonderful at the English language and Math matura exams, too. There were 34 ACS twelfth graders who chose to take the matriculation exam in math as a second academic profile. Their average grade is 79.51 points, equivalent to a Very Good 5.27. The average grade in math for Sofia is 79.86 points and for the country - 72.53 points.

144 students sat for the English language matura exam and their average score is 5.81, 133 students scoring 5.50-6.00.

10 ACS seniors scored 6.00 on both their matura exams.